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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to bridge the gap between what students and educators need and the EdTech world that serves us. Bridging this disconnect through forging strategic partnerships will transform the classroom to improve teacher sustainability while providing students with opportunities to succeed in the changing world over the next decade.

Our Story

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Stephanie is a practicing educator with over 15 years of experience in the classroom and a passion for innovation. She has taught English Language Arts, Personal Finance, and Audio Video Productions, as well as English as a Second Language in Japan. She loves nerding out on the latest educational technology and sharing this passion with colleagues and students. As a district EdTech leader, she leads staff development on technology and continually incorporates new tools into the classroom. 


Stephanie is also a certified Project Management Professional, with a background in financial planning. As a PMP, she understands end-to-end product development and represents the end user. 


Additionally, she is the Program Director of TEDxMountain Ave, where she practices servant leadership to support fellow educators and students in running a successful TEDx event.


Our Philosphy

Through a collaboration between educators and Educational Technology companies and professionals, we can ensure that the right products and tools get to the students and educators who need them. Too often, educator and student voices get overlooked in the design and purchasing processes. The Ed Lens sets out to bridge this gap to tackle educator sustainability, educator efficacy, and student success. If your Ed Tech company supports any of these initiatives, we would love to work with you.

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